Help International
Did you know that Nettle Hill is owned by a charity called Together? As a part of their work across the world they run Help International who aims to bring help, care and promote development across the globe. We seek to build solutions that last by working with local people & projects. We are fully committed to empowering communities. To do this we work with multiple projects &
people around the world to:
1. Help – children & orphans with
care, shelter & basic necessities
2. Help – educate children & adults
3. Help – skill people with a trade to
achieve a better standard of living
4. Help – health standards improve
in the communities we work into
across the world
5. Help – church communities make
a positive contribution to society
6. Help – agricultural development
within communities.
As a part of our booking with Nettle Hill you can give a donation to the charity that will help them to continue their amazing work.
Below you will find more details of how the many you donate can help the children and widows that Help International support.
(£20 a month)
Sponsor a child’s Education for one Year
(India, Zimbabwe & the Philippines)
The child sponsorship programme sponsors children from India, Zimbabwe and the Philippines to ensure a good education can be achieved, where otherwise would not have due to rising costs. (for more info -
See attached sheet outlining where your money goes to.)
Out of the £240 a year sponsorship:
£60 is invested into our Trust Fund. This Trust fund is a savings account for the child. Once the child has completed their education, they will receive a lump sum of the saved donation. Helping to give each child a start as they journey into adult hood.
£162 is given directly to the child for their education costs.
£18 is used for fundraising and administration, which includes bank charges for transfers of funds and communication costs
£240 a month (£20 a month)
Social and Business Enterprise (South Africa)
Provide seeds, Fertiliser and staff Training for a Market Garden, providing labor and fresh food to the local community.
Every pound given is distributed by:
25p is invested straight into the Trust Fund. The child will receive this at the end of their studies.
67.5p is given direct to the child for educational purposes.
7.5p is used for fundraising and administration. This allows a communication between sponsor and child to take place.
Widows Pot for a year
Support Accommodation costs for those who have lost their partners and cannot afford general living costs due to this.
Every pound given is distributed by:
25p is invested straight into the Trust Fund. The child will receive this at the end of their studies.
67.5p is given direct to the child for educational purposes.
7.5p is used for fundraising and administration. This allows a communication between sponsor and child to take place
Donations up to £50
Health and Medical Checks in the community (South Africa)
Support local workers providing health care checks in the local community to those that cannot afford.
Every pound given is distributed by:
25p is invested straight into the Trust Fund. The child will receive this at the end of their studies.
67.5p is given direct to the child for educational purposes.
7.5p is used for fundraising and administration. This allows a communication between sponsor and child to take place
Find out more on Help International website

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