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Nettle Hill is an exclusive multi-purpose venue situated in Warwickshire encompassing seven acres of beautiful countryside. We offer places to meet, spaces to hire, outdoor education and creative pursuits to enjoy.   


We believe that the Earth is a gift that we are responsible for, and that we can make a difference by caring for the environment. We are dedicated to creativity, producing a culture of resourcefulness and sustainability for the future. We want to inspire and empower people to make changes, small or large steps at a time, to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle.


Events coming up for 2022



What’s Going On?


Nettle Hill is a multi-purpose venue set in the beautiful countryside with lots to offer!


For businesses...we have many meeting and conference spaces and can cater to individual business needs with catering and self-service options available. We provide hot desking too.


For foodies... we have a plant-based cafe, The Garden Kitchen, with a changing seasonal menu. We use freshly-picked and locally-sourced ingredients where possible. The cafe is open from Thursday-Saturday (10-3pm). Pre-booking is essential. Book here.


For children and families... we are passionate about education, nature and the outdoors! We love outdoor learning and provide great opportunities in our woodland space, with forest school, homeschool forest school and a new woodland stay and play groupWe also have an art shed for workshops and creative art sessions.


Tropical Leaves

How To Find Us


From Coventry, drive past Coombe Country Park on the B4027 and turn left onto Combe Fields Road. At the end of the road, turn left onto the B4029. Drive under the bridge and turn right up the country lane (sign posted). Nettle Hill is on the left. 


From Rugby, head onto Coventry Road (A428) towards Brinklow. Turn right onto Bretford Bridge. Turn right onto the B4455 and pass through Brinklow. Keep heading on the B4029. Look out for a bridge to drive under (M6). Turn right up the country lane (sign posted). Nettle Hill is on the left. 

Contact Us
Nettle Hill
Brinklow Road

02476 621 899

Venue Opening Times 
Mon-Fri 9.00-5.00pm 

Forest School
Nature Explorers Forest School is now running separ
ately from Nettle Hill for any questions or enquiries, please email:

Forest School Opening Times 

See our social media pages and website for updates.

Wednesday sessions:
AM - Nature Explorers -  10-12 noon
PM - Nature Explorers - 12.30-2.30pm

Thursday sessions:
AM - Nature Explorers -  10-12 noon

Friday sessions:
AM - Nature Explorers - 10-12 noon

Nature Explorers Forest School Links: 

Keep up to date with Nettle Hill via Social Media: 

  • Nature Explorers Forest School
  • Nature Explorers Forest School
  • Nature Explorers Forest School Website
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